The first occurrence.
And God created the great sea creatures, and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarmed, with regard to their kinds, and every winged creature with regard to its kind; and God saw that it was good. Gen 1:21
The primitive root.
Strong’s H7430 רמש ramash, a primitive root meaning, “to creep.” The 3-letter root is resh + mem + shin, but according to the Ancient Hebrew Lexicon, the shin was transposed from an original sin.
resh ר = head of man, thus head, first, top, beginning, man
mem מ ם = water, thus chaos, mighty, blood
sin ס = thorn, thus grab, hate, protect
The story: The heads of every living thing (resh; we still say, “heads of cattle” when speaking of the herd), when moving together as the waves of the sea (mem) tramples underfoot as thorns trample the earth (sin).
Hi Christine…I stumbled upon your web site (but not by accident, I’m sure) because I’m preparing to teach a women’s Bible study on the book of Esther. I’m a pastor’s wife (42 years) and have taught English & Bible in Christian private school for 6 years in my past. Middle school (7-9) with Abeka curriculum. But because I got an undergraduate and graduate degree in Education (specialized in designing/writing curriculum) I have enjoyed supplementing with my own materials for the students benefit. I attended Puget Sound Christian College and then Eastern WA State University. I have also loved the Howard Hendricks teacher training materials “Teaching to Change Lives” and Bruce Wilkerson’s Walk Through the Bible conferences. Amazing research and material on your web site…sooooo helpful and I’m gonna plant myself at your virtual feet here for awhile. My only question for you right now, besides the Hebrew study tools and reference materials, do you have any recommendations for where I can research the book of Esther?
Thank you, in advance…I am in the opposite corner of the US than you, but a sister in Christ who LOVES to study the riches of HIs Word and igniting that desire in other women too. Hope you can send me your suggestions…I won’t be starting the study until after the new year. Beth Ladd (New Hope Christian Church) Everett, WA
Hi Beth, I can recommend my studies in the book of Esther here: Other than these, I am not sure who has the best studies in Esther. God bless you moving forward.