The Hebraic Faith Bible is being built. Christine’s goal is to add new chapters every week, with the additional links to chiastic structures, Hebrew root word studies, Bible studies, and Scripture Pictures. Visit Genesis 1 to see an example of a completed chapter on the Hebraic Faith Bible. But realistically it will be several years before the whole Bible is online. Thank you for your patience.
The chiastic structures, the Hebrew root word definitions telling a parable from the ancient pictographs, linked Bible studies, and other Scriptural teaching tool links, are original from Christine Miller’s Bible study notes. Tony Robinson of Restoration of Torah Ministries, and Brad Scott of The Wildbranch Ministry, are responsible for introducing Christine to the concept of teaching tools within Scripture. As she prayed and asked the Holy Spirit, the true Teacher, to open her eyes to see His teaching in Scripture using His teaching tools, her Bible study notes grew and grew. Those notes are the foundation of Hebraic Faith Bible.
Please be sure to read Introduction to Teaching Tools to find out more about these amazing teaching tools.
As chapters of Scripture are added to the Hebraic Faith Bible, you will notice the embedded links to Hebrew root word definitions posted at A Little Perspective. The first time each word appears in the Hebrew text of that chapter, the word is linked to its definition. The next occurrence of the same word is not linked, which is why the links are less and less as you progress through the chapter. All the Hebrew root word definitions are likewise accessible from the Index of Hebrew Roots at A Little Perspective.
Introduction to Hebrew root word parables
The Scripture Pictures included at the bottom of each chapter are free for ministry and personal use, should you desire to use them on your own blog, website, bulletin covers, &c. with a link back to the Scripture Pictures Index. Thank you so very much.
Thank you Christine for your devotion and hard work. This is by no means a small undertaking. As I am a year new to the Hebraic way and have subscribed to your emails, I know how detailed your notes are!
Sometimes I get lost in it…but after concentrating on how you find the roots of Hebrew writing, I am finding it a bit easier. Its amazing how their letters form a picture.
I hope Im still around to see the completion of your Bible…I would love to purchase it!
Right now I have The Complete Jewish Study Bible ..but…. it isn’t as complete as yours will be.
It does have the breaks for strong & weak paragraphs though. More Hebrew letters and their meanings would be even better.
I have learned so much in the past year..reading this Bible and following your daily studies.
I broke away from the ” English ” Bible…because Adonai was telling me to go deeper into His Word. I knew I couldn’t get what I needed from any English version. It had to be from the original language.
Again, thank you.
May Adonai bless you always.
Yours truly
Faith Cook
Hello Faith, so nice to see you here! I have been working hard organizing notes from the past years of study, in preparation to post them here!
I am Moses Blessed in faith as Almighty showers his Blessing on me I was living far from his presence still his mercy forgive my sins and know I am in his light of his word .
I am interested to read Herabic faith Bible pls help me to Ready Herabic bible.
Thnaking you
Hi, I enjoyed reading.
I hope you don’t mind me printing,
for me personally.
Brother Marvin’s interested in learning Hebrew words and the root word that gives a more understanding of scriptures to learn and study the Bible in a more clarity for knowledge and wisdom , to apply word of God through Yeshua and the aid of the Holy Spirit.
Thank you,
Brother Marvin